Plagiarism Detection


Journal of Millimeter-wave Communication, Optimization and Modelling (JOMCOM) is the first to search for plagiarism in article submissions.

As a result of the online scanning with the iThenticate program, two issues related to the plagiarism rate are taken into account. The first of these issues is the general rate of plagiarism related to the study. This ratio is required to be below 20%. The second issue is the details in the plagiarism report. Regardless of the general plagiarism rate of the study, in the plagiarism report, the quotation rate from any study should not be 3% or more. After the plagiarism screening, both the general plagiarism rate (except references) should be less than 20% and the plagiarism rate per source in the plagiarism report should be less than 3%. If one or both cannot be provided, the authors are asked to revise their work in line with the information on this page, taking into account the plagiarism report rates.

The authors can send the revision works to the editor of the journal by e-mail without the need to apply for a new article by making the necessary revisions. The revised study will be re-screened for plagiarism and, if the conditions are met, the study will have passed the plagiarism screening phase. If the conditions are not met, the study will be rejected.

In the article applications, plagiarism screening is made on the day the application is made. If the plagiarism report of the study is in line with the journal criteria, the next step, the Article Pre-Evaluation (Scientific Qualification) Stage, is passed on the day of application. If the plagiarism report is not suitable, the situation is notified to the authors, and the first stage process continues.

While citing the studies, making the same sentences is also perceived as plagiarism. For this reason, in quotations made from various sources, if the quotation is taken directly, it should be given in quotation marks ("). Although citing a source is of great importance in order not to perceive the citation as plagiarism, it is changing the sentence structures.