Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling

A Review and Analysis Micro-Strip Patch Antenna for 3.5 GHz: Review and Analysis Micro-Strip Patch Antenna for 3.5 GHz

Ali Abozied
Phd student
cover of the peer review journal about millimeterwave, wireless communication, optimization, modelling

Published 30.06.2022


In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in microstrip patch antennas owing to their small volumes, low profiles, effective integration, low prices, and outstanding performance. With the continual growth of wireless communication services and therefore the constant shrinking of communication equipment, this antenna is planned to be used for WiMAX and wireless communications. However, these antennas have disadvantages like low gain, low power operation, and slim bandwidth, among others. The first drawbacks of those antennas are their restricted band performance as well as their high cost. Technological advancements within telecommunications are accelerating, particularly with the arrival of fifth-generation technology, which offers the advantages of quick knowledge transmission speeds and really low latency. In 2015, the World Radio Conference (WRC) urged frequencies for 5G communication technologies, one of which is 3.5 GHz. A variety of analysis articles were collected and studied, and for the frequency of 3.5 GHz, many forms and substrate materials with dynamical relative permittivity were devised for microstrip patch antennas. The simulated results show that these antennas will simply offer dual-and tri-band operation, as well as nearly as good dipole-like and spatial relation radiation properties, stable gain, and high radiation efficiency, indicating that the planned antennas are candidates for WiMAX and wireless communications. The urged antennas have come back with losses starting from -32 decibels to -30.8 dB. The results are obtained through the use of the PC simulation applications standards CST and ADS.


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