Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling 2024-02-29T14:55:09+00:00 Muhammet Tahir Güneşer Open Journal Systems Journal of Millimeterwave Communication, Optimization and Modelling (JOMCOM) is an international online journal that is published 2 times in a year in English Criminal exploitation of information and communication technologies: Riots 2024-02-27T20:51:56+00:00 Murad Madzhumayev <p class="Abstract" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">The availability, reliability, security of information and telecommunication networks and systems constitute crucial pillars for enhancing standards of living, employment, business and civil society organizations, augmenting their activities and realizing the economic potential of the nation.</span></p> <p class="Abstract" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">The paper addresses the implications of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the organization, coordination, and perpetration of violent unrest. With global trends in ICT developments and the digital population of the world in mind, it analyses their significance in certain phases of unrest.</span></p> <p class="Abstract" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">The results and conclusions stated in the article are reached based on philosophical and ideological, general scientific and special scientific methods and approaches of research: dialectical, formal-logical (analysis and synthesis, induction, and deduction), synchronous comparative legal method and others.</span></p> <p class="Abstract" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">An examination of the use of ICTs during a violent riot emphasizes the following variations of their utilization: a) informational interaction, communication, incitement; b) mobilization of crowd; c) organization of riots; d) allocation of roles; e) coordination.</span></p> <p class="Abstract" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">As of today, an imminently significant challenge arises out from the criminal liability of internet service providers. The dissemination of information on the Internet involves, in addition to the author himself, other entities, in particular the owner of the network information resource, the owner of the server, etc.</span></p> <p class="Abstract" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span lang="EN-US">Accordingly, the liability of ISPs for failure to restrict access to information containing advocacy, incitement, recruitment or other involvement in the commission of acts of mass unrest on the part of Internet users arises only if they are aware of the social danger of not restricting access to such information, anticipate the dangerous consequences of mass unrest as a direct consequence of such failure and, in so doing, knowingly direct their intellectual and physical efforts towards it.</span></p> <p class="Keywords"><span lang="EN-US">Keywords—information and communication technologies, riots, organization of riots, incitement to riot, intermediary liability, internet service providers, mob assembly.</span></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Murad Madzhumayev Interaction Between Blockchain Technology and Conventional Databases: a Systematic Literature Review 2024-02-27T21:05:12+00:00 Ahmet Anıl DÜNDAR Saim Buğrahan ÖZTÜRK Hakan Mutlu <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Day by day, the popularity of blockchain technology is rising in the business sector. Companies that want to benefit from some of the features of blockchain like security, immutability, decentralization, and elimination of central authority, try to integrate this technology to their existing business use cases. During the integration process, companies must go over a decision process and decide whether the blockchain technology should replace the current system or the two systems should be combined. In order to successfully make the decision, developers or researchers must be aware of the blockchain's features and analyze the improvements that a change between databases and blockchain technology would bring to the existing system. In this paper, in order to provide an outline of differences between blockchain and databases and also ease the decision process that researchers or developers must undergo, we conduct a systematic literature review on the differences between blockchain and databases and possible features they would provide in a system.</span></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmet Anıl DÜNDAR; Saim Buğrahan ÖZTÜRK, Hakan Mutlu (Co-Author) A Physical Tracking of ESP32 IoT Devices with RSSI Based Indoor Position Calculation 2024-02-27T21:12:11+00:00 Özlem Şeker Batuhan Şahin Tunahan Akdoğan Gökhan Dalkılıç <p>In recent days, the increase in the number of devices that can access the Internet and the variety of areas where it is used have made it essential to ensure the security of the transmitted data. The unique values embedded in the hardware can be used as keys or secret values within cryptographic algorithms to provide the confidentiality and integrity of the data. In such a situation, maintaining the security of the Internet of things (IoT) device used is a prominent element as well as the privacy of the data. The security requirement of each IoT application may be different. While some applications contain sensitive personal or commercial information, for some applications only the presence of the device may be important. In addition, it is likely to have different devices capable of processing cryptographic algorithms. Within the scope of this study, the distance information was calculated with received signal strength indication (RSSI) data based on 4 reference points of the ESP32 IoT device located indoors. The error rate was observed with the positioning based on the RSSI information of the current position of the device. It has been tested whether it is possible to detect whether the device that transfers the data is legitimate or not via indoor position calculation using RSSI.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Özlem Şeker; Batuhan Şahin, Tunahan Akdoğan, Gökhan Dalkılıç (Co-Author) Enhancing zero-shot learning based sign language recognition through hand landmarks and data augmentation 2024-02-27T20:56:51+00:00 Giray Sercan Özcan Emre SÜMER Yunus Can BİLGE <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Abstract</em>— Sign language recognition remains a challenging area and may require a considerable amount of data to obtain satisfactory results. To overcome this, we use readily available motion text data in addition to videos for achieving recognition of unobserved classes during the training phase. Zero-Shot Sign Language Recognition (ZSSLR) with a novel technique is focused on this work, which learns a model from seen sign classes and recognizes unseen sign classes. To achieve this, the ASL-Text dataset is used which combines the video of word signs and descriptions in sign language dictionaries. Moreover, this dataset consists of sign language classes and their corresponding definitions in the sign language dictionary. In various Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) applications, it is common for datasets to contain a limited number of examples for numerous classes across different domains. This makes the problem of sign language recognition extremely challenging. We try to overcome this by using a new approach which includes augmented data and hand landmarks. The experiment on augmented data resulted in 50.91 for top-5 accuracy. Hand landmarks are used with unaugmented data which is applied to average and LSTM deep learning layers resulting in 49.41 and 48.21 for top-5 accuracies, respectively.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Giray Sercan Özcan; Emre SÜMER, Yunus Can BİLGE (Co-Author) Methods for Increasing the Cyber Resilience of Critical Infrastructures 2024-02-28T18:27:08+00:00 Sıla Şibil Bardak Fatih Furkan Bayar Ender Saribay Ozmen Emre Demirkol Mert Ozarar <p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-US">Cybersecurity is a critical topic that has become increasingly important in today's world, due to the increasing dependency on technology and interconnected systems. As digitalization increases, the need for cybersecurity measures becomes even more important for several systems that are crucial for society, nuclear facilities, energy systems, finance transportation and healthcare systems. Any damage to critical infrastructures from inside or outside will lead to the deterioration of the social order of countries, the loss of international reputation and the undermining of their credibility. The integration of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) within industrial control systems (ICS) has resulted in an expanding attack surface for cyber threats. In order to establish complete cyber-defence solution, innovative artificial intelligence solutions must be utilized alongside traditional cyber security approaches. In the digital transformation process of countries and organizations, the increasing cyber threats are addressed by explaining the five crucial solutions needed, based on international standards. This study aims to provide an overview of strategies to enhance the cyber security maturity level of critical infrastructures, examines both traditional cyber security approaches and artificial intelligence approaches. An architecture is specified to build cyber resilient critical infrastructures.</span></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sıla Şibil Bardak; Fatih Furkan Bayar , Ender Saribay, Ozmen Emre Demirkol, Mert Ozarar (Co-Author)